Category Archives: CHOP & STIR

Spring Pie | Green Quiche with Asparagus, Mushroom, Kale, Peas, Dill, Feta Cheese

In light of early spring here in the Midwest I made a spring pie yesterday! Well, two pies actually. One for

Food Rules, a History

A little less than a decade or so ago in an antique shop I stumbled across an old post card-sized print tucked

On Making Bone Broth

I remember quite well when I was a little girl and would come down with a fever or feel sick, my mom would

Peppermint + Vanilla Marshmallows

You should probably listen to this song right now. 🙂 Marshmallows and cold weather go hand in hand like watermelon

Kale, Honeycrisp, Farmhouse Cheddar Caesar Salad

So maybe you saw the first word of this post and thought kaaallleee. Bleh. Or maybe, you saw the first

Coffee Rituals | Featuring Starbuck’s Verismo® System

Much like baby wipes, white onesies, and reruns of The Office, coffee is essential in our home, particularly