Category Archives: ROUTINE & RHYTHM

Homesong Rest Retreat | Week Two: Establishing Your Non-negotiables

Happy Monday friends, and welcome to week two of our Rest Retreat! My goodness, although my memory is

Homesong Rest Retreat | Week One: Restoring Rhythms

We are home sweet home and I am gratefully getting back into the swing of things as we enter a fresh new week

Our Daily Rhythm Printable

P R I N T  D A I L Y  R H Y T H M  H E R E   For those who have been wanting a daily rhythm guide to print out

Stay Home Series | Creating a Daily Rhythm

I adore rhythms and rituals. I love how they organize my life and give meaning to the mundane. I’ve

A New Way of Waking Up

“It’s a serious thing just to be alive on this fresh morning in this broken world.”