A new season offers ample amount of opportunities to try something new. Like the fresh turn of the page in a new chapter or book, this time is ripe with possibility. Take a peak at the list below and challenge yourself to try are few things throughout the next few months. Take note of how they make you feel, and which ones give you life and fill your cup in ways you didn’t expect.


  1. Take a long drive to admire the new growth and green grass, listening to a new favorite soundtrack
  2. Empty your junk drawer and spend some time organizing it
  3. Create a special menu from a combination of your favorite cook books and either draw it out or make it with watercolor
  4. Take a morning off to meander around your neighborhood, counting all the different flowers you see in bloom
  5. Plant a new type of vegetable or flower in your garden
  6. Visit a new park with your family, and if it’s warm, take a picnic
  7. Start a new book you’ve been meaning to read
  8. Make a mean entirely from fresh spring produce
  9. Invite a friend to do a craft with you
  10. Make a bird feeder for our flying friends
  11. Bake a fresh fruit cake on a Sunday, just because
  12. Treat yourself to a long soak in the tub with a sprinkling of lavender buds and chamomile flowers
  13. Spend five minutes laying on your back on a blanket in the grass, watching the clouds
  14. Forage in your yard, bringing in spring blooms and branches
  15. Sketch daffodils or tulips, drooping in a vase
  16. Take a full day off social media and breathe
  17. Plant a seed and take the time to watch it flourish
  18. Crack open a window and spend ten minutes listening to the breeze and the birdsong
  19. Wake up one morning at dawn just because
  20. Hang your bedsheets outside, and let Mother Nature do her thing