Category Archives: ROOTED & RAW

Some Mornings

Some mornings, I wake up with day-old contacts on day four, maybe five, feeling as though I’ve never left that

Creative Discipline & Motherhood Right Now | 7 Things to Try

…one of my favorite pictures ever of my little alfie boy   I am not sure what’s going on. Perhaps it’s

Redefining Perfection & Call the Midwife

  “Perfection is not a polished thing. It is often simply something that is sincerely meant. Perfection is

31 years Old | A Birthday reflection

  I woke this August morning to the warm sound of summer rain pitter-pattering a soft birthday song on

Homesong Wholeness Project

“There is nothing in nature that blooms all year long, so don’t expect yourself to do so either.”

Mindful Mothering Pt. I | How Much Do They Need To Know?

Our three. Lost in being little. Just as it should be… How much do our kids need to know? A Waldorf