Now that Alfie has settled into his new big boy bed I figured we were past the mark of jinxing our new sleep situation if I shared a peek into their space with you! Andrew and I didn’t think we’d be making the transition from his crib to an actual bed for awhile now, but like many things with mister Alfie, what’s another surprise? He’s truly full of them and his independent spirit is just one more thing we’ve come to adore. He is almost two years old, and starting around 19 months or so he learned how to climb out of his crib. This magical milestone introduced a whole host of problems and concerns that ushered in some much needed change. Instead of putting his crib mattress on the floor Montessori style, or converting his crib to a toddler bed, we opted to get both boys bigger beds at the same time. We hoped in doing so that they would be able to transition together, and thus be able to get on the same sleeping rhythm. I am happy to report: it’s working!
Theodore and Alfie are 20 months apart, and the older they get the more similar their needs as little boys have become. They nap at roughly the same time and go to bed at the same time most evenings. Having them share a room can be challenging, but because we try to stick to the same sleeping schedule they are comfortable in there together. While I often miss the squishy baby stage, I’m really enjoying how things are starting to flow more congruently over here. If you are at the stage where all of your kids and their needs are all over the place, take heart. Everything is only for a season. I try and remember that when sh*t hits the fan, which sometimes it quite literally does.
So a bit about their sweet shared space. This room sits at the front of our old house and, like the rest of our second story, it has the most beautiful walnut-stained floors. I didn’t want to cover them up entirely, so I went with small natural braided rugs at the base of each bed to ground their room and create symmetry. When decorating I wanted to keep things traditional like the rest of our home, so I went with many 1920’s classics with some old farmhouse touches to cozy things up. Most items in their room we’ve collected secondhand. These pieces always end up being my favorite pieces because of the story they share, which creates a special look and feel that cannot be entirely replicated.
I’ve found that when one decorates simply and minimally with carefully collected pieces, it truly makes for a beautiful space. Materials also matter. There are many natural fibers layered in here if you look closely, and it makes things feel more lived-in despite its simplicity. And you don’t need much in a room if you’ve got a few colorful antiques to show off a little. In addition to aged items with patina and the use of natural materials, one cannot go wrong with simple, well-made pieces, like their matching silvery birch metal beds. I love that they stand out against the white walls ever so subtly, creating a soft contrast. We are going to be painting the trim in here this summer and I think the end look will be stunning! Here is a full tour and source list of their shared room:
Source List:
Dresser is an antique purchased already painted in a murky duck egg blue | Canvas Tee Pee | Metal Beds | Pinstripe Sheets, Large Ticking Pillows, Woven Toy Chest, and Stitched Quilts are from Home Goods | Jute Rugs | Large Woven Basket | Linen USA Map | Linen Triangle Garland | Vintage Barn was a gift | Cream Lamp is from Target | Enamel Tray was thrifted | Knit Sweaters & Scarf were handmade gifts | Red International Tractor was a gift | ABC Chalk Board was from an antique store in Iowa | Army Cot, Colorful Woven Basket, and Old Wooden Crates were found at the KC flea | Brass Wall Sconces | Amish Straw Hat was bought on a trip in Iowa | Side Safety Rails | Pillow Covers | White Shelves | Sheepskin Rugs | Accordion Wall Hanger was thrifted | Linen Curtains
Arisa - Oh, I love you minimal + cozy style! Since you are a lover of antique furniture like I am, do you ever come across a piece that is so pretty..but a little too old muggy smelling? That’s my dilemma right now. I have a dresser for my sons room with cute little keyholes, but want to get weird of the stinky smell before painting over it. Any tips for that?
admin - Arisa, oh yes. I have had that problem too and I put essential oils all over the inside to get rid of it and then aired it out on our screened in porch for a week or so. That helped! It is the current bathroom cabinet (black and white enamel) and you no longer tell it used to smell. I think musty furniture needs a good washing too – I have bad allergies so I always do that before painting. Hope that helps! x Amanda
Wendi - Perfect timing! I’ve been planning to email you to ask where you got the boys beds!!
Wendi - PS: I love their room. Actually, your whole house!
Rachel Child - Love every single thing about this. That natural light, too!
Jill - Lovely room, but why are the books inaccessible? I can see tumbles if a child tries to reach the bookshelf by climbing on the folding cot. Books should be at kid height, making it easy for them to love books and reading!
admin - Jill, thank you and good question! We have several by their bedside and some in the basket that I rotate out. The boys became too overwhelmed with having them on the floor at their reach so we moved them up to keep things easier for them. Instead of looking through them they ended up tossing the books around the room, and this way seems to work much better. The same goes for toys. We don’t keep everything out and they end up playing much better for longer. I got the idea from our school and it may seem to contradict, but for this age they don’t need a whole library to engage with reading and books. For now it’s modeling, which we do when we read with them several times a day. It’s also suggested in Simplicity Parenting, a really great book by Kim John Payne! Our book club is reading it this autumn, you should join I bet you’d like it! x Amanda
Jill - Thanks for your reply, I can see the logic in your answer. I love the idea of a book club but as my youngest just turned 40 last month I will decline! My kids were raised without TV and the host of technology available today, we lived in the country and raised chickens and goats so their upbringing was pretty simple. I’m so grateful they had the wholesome childhood they did. Lovely website.
Trish - Where did you get your light fixture on the ceiling? As always you put so much thought into your spaces:). ❤️
admin - Trish, they are from Home Depot! x Amanda
Alexandra - I don’t see any blackout shades so I’m guessing you don’t use them. Did you do anything specific to train your kids to nap/sleep while it’s light out? I love light in a house more than anything but can’t get my kids to sleep without blackout shades or dark curtains.
Love the styling by the way!
admin - Alexandra, we don’t have them and honestly never really considered putting them in ever since our first place had them and the dark always felt so depressing. They kiddos have never needed them because we have never used them in their nursery. I sometimes wish they made ones that were able to retract into the ceiling – or maybe they do but $$$ x Amanda
Sarah - Do you by any chance know the color of the blue dresser? Thanks:)
Kelly - What an adorable room!! Just love it!
Ashley - I loved this tour! As always, you provide me with so much inspiration for current or future use 🙂 what is on the enamel tray on their dresser? Lotions, etc.?
Margot - Hi Amanda!
I’m 18 and won’t have my own home or kiddies for a while yet but your blog and Instagram are my absolute favourite and I’m so inspired by your interiors. Love love love!
Kimberly - Lovely home. <3 I'm in the middle of repainting our home and am wondering what paint color you used in your boys' room? Also, I notice that the doors have a more creamy look to them than the trim. By any chance do you recall what color you used for the doors, as well?
Sarah Keller - Precious! I have three little boys and I’m forever trying to figure out how to room them (we move often). Do you happen to have a list of local shopping favorites? Like best thrift/antique shops? New to the KC area and I love to explore.