- Watching: The Mind of a Chef (Netflix) + Girls (HBO) + Abstract (Netflix)
- Crafting: chore charts for the kiddos
- Baking: sourdough bread (still learning!)
- Reading: The Hidden Life of Trees & The Waldorf Book of Poetry
- Craving: lox or smoked salmon with goat cheese, capers, dill, and onions on a poppyseed bagel
- Organizing: messy closets and sorting through the mountains of kid’s clothes that no longer fit
- Sipping: rosemary coffee
- Loving: the app Voxer so I can chat with my girlfriends throughout the day – have you heard of it?
- Dreaming: about our summer vacation to France with Andrew’s family!
- Chopping: dill from our garden to go on everything
- Laughing: when Alfie says, “Ewww!” every time we change his diaper.
- Picking: daffodils in our backyard
- Humming: Gregory Alan Isakov
- Wearing: oversized overalls
- Scrubbing: the grout in our main bathroom
- Teaching: Stella how to read and finger knit
- Diffusing: a lot of lemon + lavender essential oils
- Learning: about moon cycles and natural energy forces – so fascinating!
- Remembering: to drink more water, why is it so hard for me?!
- Praying: for my dear friend’s beautiful baby girl, Winnie Baker
Olivia - Lovely, lovely list. Think I’ll make one too. You’re inspiring.
Nora - Lovely list! Also rosemary coffee?! Sounds absolutely amazing.
Cleaning out your kiddos clothes huh…I’ll send you a check & you go ahead and send me EVERYTHING 😜
admin - Nora, the kids are growing like weeds! It’s almost full on new wardrobe time! x Amanda
Mary Louis - Disappointed to know you watch the show Girls. Thought you were a Christian woman. That show goes against all the values we try to teach our followers.
admin - Mary, I am a Christian yes. I don’t agree with everything in the show, but I do like some of the perspectives of the main character struggling as a female writer. I can see how this show would make some uncomfortable but I don’t think me watching it makes me any less Christian. x Amanda
Rika - Watching or not watching Girls, or any show for that matter, has no bearing on whether you’re a Christian. And furthermore good art reflects the complexity of life in all its forms. In fact, there is a lot of really bad ‘Christian’ media out there that is bad precisely because it refuses to deal with the true grit and messiness of life.
Thanks for sharing your list, Amanda. I love your blog – your sensibilities have really informed my approach to keeping a home beautifully and joyfully. 🙂
admin - Rika, I agree with every word you’ve written here. Thank you. x Amanda
Jackie - I have to say that reading comments like this one makes me sad and frustrated. I am going to be completely honest here and say that I am doing some inner work to understand my prejudices towards evangelical people. It’s the judgment that really, really gets me. When I hear people say “Jesus will judge.” — doesn’t that go against everything Jesus preached? Wouldn’t he do exactly the opposite – NOT judge?
Barb - I would love to hear more about what you’re learning – moon cycles and natural energy forces. The phenomenon of the moon and it’s impact on our energy from day to day completely mystifies me. I’ve always wanted to learn more…so interested to know who/what you’re learning from!
Jackie - What a great idea for a list! Love it; thanks for sharing. And I would love to know your sources for learning more about moon cycles, too. So interested in this right now. xo
admin - Jackie, I checked this book out from the local library and really enjoyed it!
x Amanda
admin - Barb, it mystifies me too! I am learning more about it and the more I read, the more I want to discover! Here is a great book to get you started:
I got it from the library and learned SO much! It’s very informative without being too complex. x Amanda
Katie - Love this! I have just written my own. It would be a lovely thing to do every month or so.
Naomi - Love 🙂 I sometimes journal in a list like this when my mind is full and busy and my pen doesn’t quite know where to start. This list gave me some lovely new prompts for next time. Happy Spring! x
Kimberly - Any advice on what to read as a beginner to moon cycles and energy ideas? Thanks!
admin - Kimberly, I checked this book out from the local library and really enjoyed it! https://www.amazon.com/Moonology-Working-Magic-Lunar-Cycles/dp/1781807426/ref=pd_sim_14_1?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=1781807426&pd_rd_r=53ZME8B6B8JXVD046X6M&pd_rd_w=LsB9u&pd_rd_wg=RU44K&psc=1&refRID=53ZME8B6B8JXVD046X6M
x Amanda