Category Archives: MAKE + PLAY

Botanical Sun Printing On Linens

We are in the middle of a pretty intense heat wave over here in the Midwest, and boy is ever it hot hot hot.

Botanical Sun Printing On Paper

I’ve been meaning to share this beautiful nature-inspired craft with you for over a year now but I keep

DIY Garden Labels

Are you a type of person who has to write everything down? Andrew and I are both like this. I remember

Naturally Dyed Rainbow Easter Eggs

The recipes in this post is likely old hat to most, but I am sharing it anyway because nature gave us the most

Felted Easter Eggs

The boys and I felted Easter eggs the other day for our daily craft and they turned out beautifully! These

Felted Heart Sachet with Lavender & EO’s Tutorial

Stella has been crafting Valentine’s for her classmates all week and while helping her I got to thinking