Earlier this morning as I was helping Stella get ready for school she looked out the window at the light pouring in and sweetly noticed aloud, “The sun woke up early today!” Daylight savings is hard for some, but for me, and perhaps Stella too, it infuses our day with so much more life. I do enjoy it when the days get shorter in autumn and we cozy up by candle and hearth light, but by this time of year my soul is itching to see green and ready to sing spring.
Spring signals changes, new growth, tender abundance, and fresh rhythms. This time of year affects my mental health in such a positive way, and the current winter season has been rather long. Posts here have been sparse to say the least as I tend to pull back and rest more in the harder, darker months, but with new energy buzzing and light flowing, I feel the shift inside to dive into something I let slide many months ago – our book club! What do you say readers? Do you want to read together again?! Does this new season have you stirring as well?
While I love reading alongside you, last year’s book club became to hard to manage. I didn’t have the best system in place to engage with you all, and sending multiple newsletters on top of my other work, in addition to reading and writing a lot, made the book club heavier than it needed to be. But I have gotten so many requests from you all to start it up again, and I have been really wanting to give it a go again as well, so let’s do it! With your help, I believe I’ve come up with a few better and more engaging solutions!
- How much will we read? We read one book per month, selected by me out of a group of books curated seasonally by you.
- How and where will we discuss? We will begin reading each new book on 1st of the month, and discuss our book either as we read or when we are finished over at Goodreads. I created us a group through the Community link at the top of the site! There you can find HOMESONG book club where we will gather and share. I will post questions there to discuss from time to time, along with my takeaways from the book we are reading together. As a member of this book club, you must join there and plan on discussing each book we read.
- What will we read? You will receive the monthly book selection several weeks before we begin reading. I will poll the group each season on Goodreads and we will go from there! This should give you plenty of time to get or check out the book, also helping keep you accountable for checking in and following along with us. Because we are already nearing mid-March, I’ve selected our April book and it is…Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants by Robin Wall Kimmerer – a book that I have been wanting to read for months! What do you think? The reviews are outstanding and it looks like a beautiful read. Have you heard of it?
- How else can we share? In addition to sharing over at Goodreads, I am going to do one review per book here at the end of each month, and you are more than welcome to comment on that and add your takeaways and general commentary. It will serve as a little summary for readers, and overtime, create a nice library for this Homesong community!
- What about social media? Use the hashtag #homesongbookclub anytime you are sharing something from our bookclub to connect and share our book club with others!
Now, here is what I need from you!
- First, tell me what questions you have or if I can help clarify anything.
- Secondly, tell me who you are and why you are joining our book club! I’ll go first.
Amanda – Reading is one of my favorite pastimes and ways to sink into the present, and when given the opportunity to discuss what it is I am reading with others, it opens up the experience and makes it much richer and more rewarding. I also really enjoy hearing a wide scope of perspectives and growing alongside others by tapping into the same book. In this season of my life, I am craving a community that can help motivate and help me dedicate more time to reading over other less healthy habits, while spending more time considering the words on the page! I cannot wait to read your who and why! And what do you think about April’s book selection?
With Care,
Brittani - Brittani- I have always enjoyed reading. It is a great way for me to unwind at night before bed. After having children, I stopped reading for a while. I have slowly started up again. I am looking forward to having others to talk with about the book I am reading. I also feel this is a great way to hold myself accountable and continue reading. Thank you for starting this book club. I have never heard of the upcoming book for April but I am so excited to dive in.
Thank you, Brittani
admin - Brittani, welcome my dear! I am excited to dive in and discuss with you. I would agree that knowing others are reading and discussing helps me so much with accountability, too. So happy to have you reading alongside us! xx Amanda
admin - Brittani, welcome my dear! I am excited to dive in and discuss with you. I would agree that knowing others are reading and discussing helps me so much with accountability, too. So happy to have you reading alongside us! xx Amanda
Tami - I really didn’t develop a love of reading until later in life…when I actually began to read with purpose. I love your previous selections, and now, I’m joining in to hold myself accountable, expand my interests, and share with others. ~Thank you. 🌱
admin - Tami, welcome love! I am excited to dive in and discuss with you. Happy to have you reading alongside us! xx Amanda
Aude - Hello!
I have always been a voracious reader but motherhood has taken its toll on that habit for me as well. I live in Paris, France but spent 18 years in NYC and London before that and I read about 80% of books in English. I just prefer the less introspective and more character/plot driven style of most contemporary English novels. I have heard of the book you have chosen and wanted to read it so I am delighted!
admin - Aude, welcome love! I am excited to dive in and discuss with you. Also, we will be in Paris for a month this summer. Perhaps we can meet for a coffee and chat about our book that month? Happy to have you reading alongside us! xx Amanda
Andrea - Andrea – I have always loved reading and have had a least one book on the go for as long as I can remember! Mostly I have read fiction and literature (as a break from school and work), but have been breaking into the non-fiction in more recent years (probably since I started staying home with my children). Lately I love books that challenge and ground me in the present, and open my eyes to the little moments of beauty that surround me everyday. I’m looking forward to this book club keeping me accountable in my non-fiction reading! Braiding Sweet Grass sounds like a wonderful first selection!
admin - Andrea, welcome my dear! I am excited to dive in and discuss with you. Happy to have you reading alongside us! xx Amanda
Jenna - Jenna- I love to read but haven’t read more than three books since my first daughter was born (four years ago!). I am craving some much needed wind down time at night and would love to make reading my nightly ritual again!
admin - Jenna, welcome love! I am excited to dive in and discuss with you. Reading as a nightly ritual is a wonderful way to end the day. Happy to have you reading alongside us! xx Amanda
Siobhan - I’m Siobhan, Mama of 2 (#3 incubating) and I desperately want to get back into reading to give myself a chance to just BREATHE, BE and relax into the pages of someone else’s words and dreams. I was a total bookworm as a kid and that’s given way to no reading or reading about subjects relevant to my parenting journey since welcoming my children. Reading is part of who I am, and I look forward to being in this circle of readers going forward.
admin - Siobhan, welcome dearest! Your words are beautiful and true..yes…to breathe and to BE. I am excited to dive in and discuss with you, my fellow reader. Happy to have you reading alongside us! xx Amanda
Jennifer - Jennifer – mother to three boys (five and under). I love to read and studied literature in college, but put books down after so many babies. I’ve started reading again this year, but know that a book club like this will open me up to new books I’ve never heard of, which is what I want. I tend to be overwhelmed when it comes to choosing books. Looking forward to this read for April, though I’ve never heard of it.
admin - Jennifer, welcome mama! I am excited to dive in and discuss with you. Happy to have you reading alongside us! xx Amanda
Stephanie - Im Stephanie (@raisingpenelopefrances) mother of one darling little girl. I have always loved reading, and I am looking to connect with others who share the same passion for it as I have. I remember years ago before becoming a mother, I would fall deep into a book and read for hours and now that time is limited, but I would still love to spend evenings reading rather than be on my phone. In regards to April’s book I am very intrigued to read it. I am Native American and my entire life has been filled with teachings of Sweetgrass and Turtle Island, so I am also going to get my mom in on this book club!
admin - Stephanie, welcome love! I am excited to dive in and discuss with you, especially since you have been raised with these beautiful stories. Would love to hear perspectives from your mom, too! Happy to have you both reading alongside us! xx Amanda
Ruwayda - Mother to three. I love reading. I’ve changed as a person and even mother through reading. I don’t know many women who like to read/talk about what they’re reading locally, so I’m hoping to find an online community.
admin - Ruwayda, welcome dear one! I am excited to dive in and discuss with you, and hope this community is able to offer the kind of connection you and so many are looking for in this season of their lives. Happy to have you reading alongside us! xx Amanda
Caitlin - Caitlin – Have loved losing myself in a book for as long as I can remember, but have found such deep solace in them as I’ve gotten older. I love hearing other people’s perspectives on a shared text and learning more about myself in the process. I’m in a sweet book club at home, but find myself needing at least one other book to fill out the months and “Braiding Sweetgrass” has been on my list for far too long.
admin - Caitlin, welcome love! I am excited to dive in and discuss with you. Happy to have you reading alongside us! xx Amanda
Joy R Ackert - Hi! Excited for the club, all sounds great.
I have always loved reading, it can be everything! These days I mostly read aloud to my children but like to have at least one novel and a small stack of non-fiction book on my nightstand–so much to learn! I am looking forward to the book selections and listening (reading) others’ perspectives. Thank you!
admin - Joy, welcome dear one! I am excited to dive in and discuss with you. Love that you are a read aloud home, so wonderful. Happy to have you reading alongside us! xx Amanda
Chelsea - I have always had a passion for reading but have not made it a priority lately. I am also excited about the accountability and sinking into a good book after the kiddos are asleep.
admin - Chelsey, welcome love! I am excited to dive in and discuss with you. Happy to have you reading alongside us! xx Amanda
Courtney - Courtney – I have a 20-month-old son, a wonderful husband, and I work full time. I admittedly don’t do enough reading, but I always remember how much I love it when I lean into a good book. I am excited to make the commitment and join the journey!
admin - Courtney, welcome love! I am excited to dive in and discuss with you. Happy to have you reading alongside us! xx Amanda
Vanessa - Vanessa- reading as a child was one of my fondest memories. I can remember losing myself in a book. I miss it. This year I’ve made it a goal to read more. So happy to have joined
admin - Vanessa, welcome love! I am excited to dive in and discuss with you, fellow reader. I too love that feeling of escaping time and getting lost in the pages of a good book. xx Amanda
Bronte - Oh my goodness, I am so excited for this book! I have had this on my bookshelf since January and this is the perfect excuse to read it. I love reading, and am currently in librarian school (MLIS and Archives masters) so my readings have been very selective. I love the fact that you put so much thought into curating these books for us.
admin - Bronte, welcome my dear! I am excited to dive in and discuss with you, my fellow reader. I have been itching to read this book and am so glad you are excited too. And librarian school!? How very lovely. xx Amanda
Heidi - I’m trying to be more intentional this year and take more time for myself. Reading is one of the things I want to do more of. I saw you book club last year and love the idea so much! I need something to keep me going and stick with.
admin - Heidi, welcome fellow reader! I am excited to dive in and discuss with you, dear one. xx Amanda
Rachel - Just reading through these comments alone is enough encouragement to want to be in a community with these readers. Such delightful perspectives! Hi! Avid reader here. My TBR list is always too long but I think this is a good problem to have. There are three things that are hard to carve out time for but I never regret when I do…writing, running, and reading. My heart is aching for any signs of spring and life and this new to me book sounds like just the balm I need for my soul. I’m eager to dive in!
admin - Rachel, welcome love! Your note was beautiful to read. I am excited to dive in and discuss with you, fellow reader. xx Amanda
Jeanette - Hi I’m Jeanette! I fall into the common category of- I used to read before I had children! But I deeply want to start to read again and read books with depth and meaning and books that will change me. I love your first selection. I really look forward to reading along with all of you.
admin - Jeanette, welcome my dear! I am excited to dive in and discuss with you, fellow reader. xx Amanda
Chelsey - Chelsey- I am a mother of two littles living in rural Nevada with my husband. Reading is an escape from the constant wearing down of my faculties from being a stay at home mom. I love fiction and non-fiction alike and am excited to dive into this pick.
admin - Chelsey, welcome love! I am excited to dive in and discuss with you, fellow reader. xx Amanda
Mercedes - Excited to give this book club another try. I’m an avid reader of classic literature & Nordic noir but I love being challenged to read more non fiction. Also as an INFJ & Eannagram 4 I find it immensely difficult to physically show up/sign up for groups like book clubs. Having an online community of readers is a lovely idea for us introverts.
admin - Mercedes, welcome dear one and hello my fellow 4 INFJ 😉 ! So happy to have you as a part of this community of readers. Looking forward to discussing with you! xx Amanda
L - L. From the netherlands – i look forward in reading together and share thoughts on what we learn along the way. Hope to grow a new healthy habit to fill pastime along with you. Generally I get bored fast by books, but this community at least bring a new perspective to the reading game 🙂 and love to hear others perspective on what we read together.
I mostly hope to be reading in bed before I go to sleep as a new habit to unwind and let go of the day.
I am interested in the first book you have selected but after this one: Can I skip a book every now and than and still be part of the reading group to join along whenever I am ready again?
admin - L, welcome love! You can read as much or as little as you would like, but challenge yourself and try to follow along! Most of the books will follow a similar thread, but I understand some may not appeal and timing might not always line up, such is life. So happy to have you as a part of this community of readers, and looking forward to discussing with you! xx Amanda
Tara Wilson - I’m Tara, I’m not a voracious reader, although I’ve read more in the last 10 years than ever before. I’m using this book club to challenge myself. I’m searching for something deeper and more meaningful to add to my life, and maybe this will help! I’m a mother of 3 busy boys, an enneagram 4, living in Southern California.
admin - Tara, welcome my dear! So happy to have you as a part of this community of readers. Looking forward to discussing with you! xx Amanda
Lea - Thanks for putting this together. I have followed you on ig for a while, but am taking a much needed break from social media (still reading the odd blog). I would love to join the book club to structure some of my reading, explore books I would otherwise not pick up and connect with other readers.
admin - Lea, welcome love! So happy to have you as a part of this community of readers. Looking forward to discussing with you! xx Amanda
Lindsey - Lindsey – Hi Amanda! My name is Lindsey, mom to three. I enjoy reading your words and seeing your perspective on things, it just calms me, which is ultimately why I am joining the book club! I have always really enjoyed reading. Lately it is more gardening books than novels or the like. Braiding Sweetgrass has been on my reading list for a while, so I am excited to make the time to read it. Thank you, Lindsey
admin - Lindsey, welcome dear one! Thank you for your kind words. So happy to have you as a part of this community of readers, and looking forward to chatting more with you! xx Amanda
Meghan Doenier - Meghan- Like so many of these other lovely ladies I’ve been a big reader, but nursing school left me very little time for that over the past four years. I wanted to join this book club because I thought it’d be a great way to help me jump-start my love of reading again after such a long hiatus from pleasure reading and to broaden my horizons in genre. I’ve always appreciated the way Amanda’s thoughtful blog has challenged me to grow and I’m hoping that will now extend to the books we read! I actually purchased Braiding Sweetgrass about a year ago but was still in school and without the time to start it. So so SO excited to finally read it!
admin - Meghan, welcome my dear! So happy to have you as a part of this community of readers. And I love that our first book was already waiting on your shelf…a sign 🙂 Looking forward to discussing with you! xx Amanda
Tara - Hi! I’m Tara. I’ve been a long-time reader of nearly everything – books, magazines, blogs. It’s my favorite hobby – reading. I always find the highlights of what you’re reading so interesting that I’m looking forward to reading alongside you and this group.
admin - Tara, welcome love! So happy to have you as a part of this community of readers. Looking forward to discussing with you! xx Amanda
Sonja Bee - I have always been an avid reader. Even before I could read I memorized the books that were read to me and would flip the pages and “read” what was written there. I was a member of a bookclub at our local library for years (the original woman who started it moved to a different position and no-one wanted to take up the torch-had to be an employee)and I thoroughly enjoyed that as all of us women came from different social, political, spiritual, cultural etc backgrounds. The age range as well was quite vast and I learned so much from these women. Was the highlight of the month to go and visit for a few hours and I always came away with added insight into whichever book was that month’s choice. I also discovered books and authors that I would never have selected on my own for which I am grateful. I like that you will notify us ahead of time as there always seems to be a lengthy waiting list at my local library for the books that are selected. Your choice for April looks fabulous.
admin - Sonja, welcome dearest! So happy to have you as a part of this community of readers, your prior experience with book clubs sounds enriching and life-giving, I am hoping (with luck!) to provide some of the same! Looking forward to discussing with you. xx Amanda
Carressa - Carressa- I want to join based on my love for reading and now for my new love of self care🌈
admin - Carressa, welcome dearest and cheers to self-care reading! So happy to have you with us. Looking forward to discussing with you! xx Amanda
Julia - Julia -I used to be a more avid reader, but since starting my business with my husband (which is a small organic farm), I find that I have barely been reading, as free time is often hard to find. However, this winter I had a little more time and started reading again and really want to carry that momentum into this year. As tired as I can be sometimes, I find reading to be so nourishing for my soul in a way that scrolling on my phone/social media is not. So, I think this will be a good nudge for me to get lost in a good book and be able to share that with others. Looking forward to this book club!
admin - Julia, welcome love! So happy to have you a part of this community of readers. Looking forward to discussing and sharing with you! xx Amanda
Brianna - Brianna – Hello Amanda! I’m a mama to a 2 year old and a boy due in May living in amish country, Pennsylvania! A little intimidated joining a book club being in the thick of motherhood but very excited. Always loved to read and am joining for a little self-care to add some rhythm to my life. Thank you for creating this opportunity for us all 🙂
admin - Brianna, welcome dearest, and you’re most welcome! Oh how I would love to visit your part of the country one day. So happy to have you reading alongside this community, and looking forward to chatting about our first book! xx Amanda
Shannan - I have enjoyed the other recommended books. I don’t often get to read, so hoping a community like this will help me make time to read and enjoy the pass time.
admin - Shannan, welcome dearest! So happy to have you a part of our community of readers. Looking forward to discussing with you! xx Amanda
Sarah - Hi! I’m Sarah. I’m so looking forward to this book club. I have always loved reading, but after becoming a mother, I just have way less time to read. 🙂 I find reading so meaningful and want to take more time for it. Also, I love hearing other people’s perspective, so I’m looking forward to the discussion. This book has been on my “to read” list for awhile!
admin - Sarah, welcome love! So happy to have you a part of our community of readers. Looking forward to chatting with you and hearing what you think about our first book! xx Amanda
Ashley - I’m Ashley! A mama who is trying to find hobbies for herself again. I joined the book club because you always recommend such amazing books that really get my mind focused and brain thinking!
admin - Ashley, welcome dearest! So happy to have you a part of this our community of readers. Looking forward to discussing with you mama! xx Amanda
Melissa - Hi! I’m Melissa, English Literature degree holder who hasn’t read a full book in multiple years. 🙈 I took up knitting and suddenly reading has felt like wasted time, nothing to show for my time when I was done. Oh, also I have 3 small children haha… I have started several books but nothing held my interest. Until I saw your post about this book. I know it’s only March, but I started early and I can’t put it down. The first couple sections are filled with underlining and notes! 🤓 I’m not good at checking in on book club discussions, but I wanted to say thank you. Thank you for rekindling my love of reading, and introducing me to this beautiful book!!
P.S. We also made the chore charts from a previous post and my kids are still happily participating in house work. What a blessing! Thank you for that too!!
admin - Melissa, welcome love! So happy to have you a part of this our community of readers. I too have been underlining like crazy, just soaking everything up and savoring the beauty of Kimmerer’s writing. Looking forward to chatting more with you…and hoorah for chore charts! xx Amanda
Tonke - Hello Amanda & the rest! I’m Tonke, I live in Amsterdam and I am so excited to start reading some beautiful books with you all. I’m joining to discover if a month goal is a nice way to keep up with reading, it’s always a little off/on with me. No kiddos yet but there will be soon so love to read more books on parenting and a little more about self care would be nice. I love reading in basically every genre but cookbooks are definitely my favourite. Have never heard of the first book but have a keen interest in botanics so I can’t wait to start discussing.
admin - Tonke, welcome dear one! So happy to have you a part of this little community of readers. And hoorah for cookbooks! Looking forward to discussing with you! xx Amanda
Katie - Katie- I am a high school English teacher from Charlotte, NC. I’m currently on maternity leave as I am a [very] new mom. The monotony and confinement of newborn life has me craving adult conversations about adult things! Picking up a new book right now certainly seems daunting, but I look forward to keeping my mind sharp and maintaining personal goals. Starting as we speak! Can’t wait to connect with you all.
admin - Katie, welcome fellow English teacher and congrats on your new arrival! So happy to have you a part of this little community of readers. Looking forward to discussing with you! xx Amanda
Robin Wolfe - Hi Amanda, So looking forward to reading the book you have chosen for the book club. I love books and read every chance I get, which isn’t enough between work and raising my two grandchildren (ages 4 and 6). They are just learning to read and I sure am enjoying introducing them to the magic of books!
admin - Robin, welcome my dear! So happy to have you a part of this our community of readers. Looking forward to discussing with you! xx Amanda
Darcie - I get such anxiety writing a blurb about myself. I generally write about other people. So, I’m Darcie, in San Francisco. I have some kids, a husband and a book addiction. I read a lot of literature, artist biographies and political historical non-fiction. I kind of kick-butt at trivia night.
Looking forward to see the books chosen in your group.
admin - Darcie, welcome dearest! So happy to have you a part of this little community of readers. Looking forward to discussing with you! xx Amanda
Sarah - I recently moved my family from Berkeley, CA to Vienna, Austria. I have two young girls (ages 4 & 6) and am hoping to find inspiration in this book to go out and understand our new and wondrous natural landscape here in Austria. I’m also hoping to make a few new friends over the wires here, as being an expat mama in another country can get a bit lonely! Look forward to connecting with you all!
Lindsey Grice - Lindsey – I am a mom to three teens/young adults (ages 16, 19, and 21). I love to read and this book has been on my list for a while. I downloaded the book on audible because that seems to be easier in this season of my life (parenting + full time work + completing my bachelors degree equals not much time for reading). However, I think I need to run to the local bookstore today and pick up a copy because I feel like I am going to be making a lot of notes! I am looking forward to joining in on the conversation.
Show & Tell | The -ings of Early Spring » Homesong - […] | Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer to kick off our Homesong Book Club this April! It’s a book that’s been on our library […]
Dori - Love your site & photos.