Our Holiday Season 2015

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This holiday season was such a good one for us five.  We stayed home here in Kansas City and made our best efforts to do a whole lot of nothing together.  There was lots of lounging.  Lots of home-cooked eats.  Only the very best of slow, winter offerings.  When I reflect back on this season, these past few weeks especially, I feel it can really be summed up into two choice words: baking & play.  But should it be any other way?  I don’t think so either.  There is still a fine dusting of white flour on our kitchen’s hardwoods and a glass container of cookies on the counter for mid-day nibbling.  I made oh, about four loafs of crusty no knead bread, and all of it is gone having been the source of yummy breakfasts along with raspberry jam and salted butter.  And as for play?  Each of the kids had a ball with the magic of Christmas and snow (finally!) and running around with their new toys.  There are dolls and cars strewn about in every room and crafts hanging here and there and new books piled up for reading before nap time.  This season we gathered.  We cozied up.  We wore jammies until supper and then took long baths in the evening.  We diffused pine and eucalyptus and lavender.  We stayed put and lit fires each night and sipped cocoa and watched funny movies.  We drank nice wine, topped our balsam fir tree with an angel Stella made at preschool, and put taped cards of loved ones on our wall in the dining room.  We just really enjoyed each other’s company which is what it’s all about.  It was good and slow and joyful.  Here are a few captures from this special time of year.  I hope yours was wonderful, too.  See ya in the New Year, friends!


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